Tuesday, 13 March 2007
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.

Every action begins with an intention. My intention for this blog is to share my thoughts on the issues that concern me, be they religious, political, social or intellectual.

Insha Allah, I would like this blog to be a starting point for dialogue conducted in a sincere and respectful manner to achieve a greater understanding of each other.

I am a Muslim born and raised in Bilad Al Sham. I moved to the West to pursue my education. Recently I got married to a convert to Islam and we are now living in the U.K.

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posted by S.A at 17:17 |


At 13 March 2007 at 19:00, Blogger otowi

asalaam alaaykum wa rahmatulahe wa barakatoh and welcome.


At 14 March 2007 at 03:00, Blogger Alina

Welcome to the blogging world, Mr. Outlines :) I am pretty sure your blog will be as interesting, deep and sometimes touching as Safiya's (through whom I got here in the first place). All the best in your blogger experience.


At 14 March 2007 at 08:06, Blogger أبو سنان

Asalamu Alaykum.

Welcome. I found your blog through your wife's blog. I look forward to reading more from you, Insha'Allah.

I guess my wife and I are kind of mirror image you and your wife. My wife is Saudi and I am the convert.

I lived in the UK for some years, I loved it. The British are the nicest people in the world I think.

If I could havs stayed I would have.

Anyway, I'll be reading, Insha'Allah.

Allah Ma3akum.


At 14 March 2007 at 14:56, Blogger S.A

Walikum salaam and thank you all so much for welcoming to the blogosphere.

Alina - I hope my blog will live up to your expectations :)

Abu Sinan - I agree with you, the U.K is a very nice country and the people are lovely.


At 16 March 2007 at 11:35, Blogger luckyfatima

asalaamu aleikum

ahlan wa sahlan S.A.

Happy blogging