Thursday, 15 March 2007
Is it right that we live in uncertainty? And nothing is certain around us nowadays? I think the answer is yes, however, as Muslims we have means to eliminate the uncertainty. when you have strong belief that Allah controls everything, nobody can hurt or cause you a harm or good without Allah's will. when you have strong relation with Allah you feel He is always with you, you know it is such a feeling, I cannot find the words to explain it.

when you face a difficulty or something you feel it is more than your capacity, Ask the strong, the One who has created you from nothing for help (this is for sure, after you do your best and do your part). He is very near to you, however, sometimes you are very far from Him.

when you feel as if you are lost, do not know what to do about different things, waiting for things or answers to make a vital decision, you have a way out of this feeling (the uncertainty). It is Al-Istikara prayer, you ask Allah the One who knows the unseen, your future, and the unknown to you to choose the best for you about the issue that confused you. So you took of this burden, you put it away of your shoulder, to the One who knows what you do not, then you release, you have a feeling of contentment instead of uncertainty.

This what I felt when I had the feeling of uncertainty, I wish to share it with you.


posted by S.A at 05:54 |


At 16 March 2007 at 11:37, Blogger luckyfatima

indeed a good point that we all need reminding about time to time


At 19 March 2007 at 04:03, Blogger Alina

I think what you say does not apply to Muslims only. That is the nature of true belief, no matter what you choose to call Him: knowing that all, good or bad, happens to you for a certain reason.

I wish I could always keep my faith, like you :P