Tuesday, 20 March 2007
I apologize Alina, I did not mean this is only applies to Muslims, however I should have made this point clear. To believe in something it is very good thing, I believe that you Alina and everyone has a strong belief, but we should search and examine carefully what we believe in. God (Allah) is not only for Muslims, He is for all people of different beliefs, He is One whenever you need Him, pray sincerely to Him you will find Him very close to you, more than you can imagine.

Thank you Alina for raising this point, I can tell that your belief is strong.


posted by S.A at 08:12 |


At 25 March 2007 at 03:49, Blogger Alina

Yes, you are right. I do believe He is always close by. You know, there was a poem in Romanian. A man, walking side by side with God, while he was shown the tracks left by his life on a beach. The man sees days when everything was going great and there were two trail left on the sand. Then he say his days of pain, tears, desperation with only one trail. He asks God why He had abandoned him in those days. And God replies those were the days when He carried him. I always feel like crying after reading/remembering this poem.

Yes, my belief is strong, most of the times. I just sometimes choose a very personal way to relate with my faith. :)

Thanks for this post!


At 31 March 2007 at 11:42, Blogger tota

Sometimes it’s that what we look for is determined by what we believe it’s possible for us to see, and our beliefs form a kind of internal map that is a representation of our external world, which actually is not the true world, I may say uncertainty is essential for this life; if we were certain of everything then I think there wont be a point in anything we make in the end, coz we already know all about it, uncertainty is as important as strong faith & believes. both are complementary. And both are essential. But the point is; do u know what do you have to do when u are uncertain of something?, some have resort to Allah, others stand still, another group use trials and errors, where some ppl find it easy to fake realities & choose the easy way to get things done,,,,,,, many ways that differs according to that person’s internal map & believes, this is what counts.
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